On the morning of 22 November 2003, 63 million pints were sunk as Jonny Wilkinson dropped that now immortal goal to win England the Rugby World Cup. Four years later and pubs have every chance of beating that figure - starting on 7 September and ending 20 October.

There’s also no outlay needed on a Sky subscription - all games are on terrestrial TV or freeview - and all England and Wales’s group games take place between Thursday evenings and Sundays. We kick off here with our 1st XV business-boosting tips.


Site an A-board outside the pub, stating which matches are being screened that day. If you have a customer database send an email or text. Fixture-list posters above urinals and on the women’s toilet doors are the places for optimal viewing. Flyers on tables mean customers can take away a reminder. Don’t forget to include details of any meal deals or events planned.


Make sure screens are clearly visible from all angles. For big games pre-

arrange chairs to maximise viewing potential. This will also encourage customers to arrive early to get best seats. Don’t forget smokers - outside, waterproof screens are now available.

aiVIP areas

Generate extra interest with a VIP area in front of the main screen. Raffle tickets for £1 a pop - the winner and a group of friends get the best seats in the house, plus a dedicated waitress to deliver food and drinks to them. You could even give them whistles to blow when they need service.


Food can be a big seller at sports matches. Offset the preconceptions about long waits for food by whipping up trays of burgers, hot dogs, pies and chips and get your staff out on the floor selling them for £2 or £3 a go. It takes away all the hassle for customers and encourages impulse buying.

aiTable service

Table service can relieve pressure at the bar and customer anxiety about getting served. An incentive scheme of £50 to the member of staff that sells most should ensure sales are roaring. Dress members of staff in opposing team shirts and have them selling bottles of beer from the relevant countries.

aiJugs and bottle bars

Offering jugs and bottles of wine means customers won’t have to frequent the bar as often. Remember to advertise deals. It may also be an idea to set up bottle bars using dustbins full of ice. Round prices to £2.50 or £3 to make service quick and easy.

aiFree half-time food

What better way to reward thirsty customers than with a free plate of chips at half-time? It will really make them feel looked after and help ensure a return visit - a great return for a minimal outlay.


A host of brewers are offering point-of-sale material, flags and posters to deck out the pub. Bunting and flags from competing nations will help create a party atmosphere. Encourage staff to get dressed up for the occasion in rugby shirts. Why not offer a face-painting stall for customers too? Be creative and have themed events - eg, an Aussie barbecue for the Wales v Australia or a beach party for England v Samoa.


Sweepstakes add interest, but be careful not to contravene gaming laws. Customers buy a ticket and either draw a team for the whole tournament or the name of the first try scorer for the match that day. The prize could be a rugby shirt or the pot of money.

aiTable or seat booking

This extra service will make sure regulars don’t miss out on the action. You could offer customers the chance to book a table for the match for a set fee that includes a seat and a meal.


You’d be daft to forget the fairer sex. If you attract them, the men will stay longer after the game. It’s not rocket science - keep the place clean and tidy, especially the toilets. Have a good think about your drinks offer - consider a range of wines, Pimm’s, cocktails or, if you are feeling extravagant, mini bottles of champagne with a straw.

aiPost-match entertainment

Popular methods of hanging on to crowds include quizzes and live

music. If you have a raffle, draw the prize after the game, to ensure people hang around. Rugby fans are famous for their love of a sing-a-long - so karaoke may be a good call.

aiSeason Ticket


You could sell a £10 season ticket guaranteeing entry for all games and good seats for big matches. This gives you an idea of numbers come match day. Why not offer a prize - say a VIP meal for two at the pub - for the person that clocks up most matches?


This is an ideal time to get involved with your local rugby club. It not only cements your place at the heart of the

community but guarantees you extra customers. Pick the right club though - you want a social side that you will see most Saturday nights.

aiRugby dinner

If you have a huge rugby following, why not go that extra mile and book a guest rugby speaker to tie in with a ticket-only, four-course dinner and the match. Be careful to get your sums right - you need to make sure you sell enough tickets to cover costs.