All articles by Ronan Hegarty – Page 35
Sainsbury’s to encourage shoppers to refill water bottles in its cafés
Sainsbury’s is also encouraging shoppers to bring their own reusable containers to its fresh and deli counters
Waitrose to upskill fishmonger and butcher counter staff
An initial pilot involves 10 butchers and 10 fishmongers
Grocer 33
Aldi almost a fiver cheaper in spite of Asda 3% price cut
Guest retailer Aldi claimed a convincing pricing win in the final week of the Grocer 33 year
GroceryAid launches counselling for workplace incidents
GroceryAid is partnering with CiC to provide professional counsellors who visit sites to run either group or individual sessions
Juul wins Asda listings for vape products
Last week Juul announced plans to roll out in 1,300 McColl’s stores
Richard Crampton to join McColl's as chief commercial officer
McColl’s said Crampton was appointed following an extensive search process
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Asda takes the win but Sainsbury's close behind with 18p margin
The Walmart-owned retailer’s total was just 18p cheaper than Sainsbury’s this week
Japan Tobacco Int cracks down on illicit sellers on Facebook
The company has removed over 16,000 posts illicitly selling its brands since 2015
Sainsbury's shelves Fragrance Shop beauty concession trial
The retailer introduced the concession in Purley Way, Croydon, last September but has now removed it
Sainsbury's to remove plastic bags for loose fruit, veg & bakery
This year’s moves would take the total amount of plastic reduced by Sainsbury’s in recent years to over 10,000 tonnes
Nisa retail director Nigel Gray to leave amid management restructure
The sales and retail teams are being merged under sales director Steve Leach
Convenience stores 'must do more' to attract younger shoppers
A new report by Him & MCA shows a drop in the number of younger shoppers using convenience stores
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Joseph Sutton, Morrisons online director, on winning the Online 33
‘ sales through our CFCs contributed 0.4% of our like-for-like sales growth in Q1 of this year’
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Asda wins with exclusively cheap fresh produce
Asda offered the cheapest price for 21 items this week, seven of which were fresh products
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Grocer 33 store of the week: Tesco Extra, Sutton
‘You can only win awards like this thanks to the hard work of everyone in the store so I am very proud of the team’
Driver shortage leaving vacancies unfilled in logistics sector
The study found the average age of an HGV driver was 48, and 13% of drivers working in the UK were EU nationals
Co-op partners with John Lewis for click & collect services
John Lewis said the move was part of its strategy to leverage its supply chain and reach customers in areas it has a lower store presence
Waitrose to open second major online CFC in north London
The move is separate to the new deal it signed with Ocado co-founder Jonathan Faiman’s Today Development Partners last week
Up to 40% of Waitrose buyers lose jobs after consultation
Technical and product development roles will also be centralised