All articles by Ronan Hegarty – Page 97
Kids exploit the online loophole to buy booze
Teenagers are deliberately targeting supermarket online delivery services to get their hands on alcohol and not enough is being done to stop them.
Retail Prices: Tesco responds with cut as Asda sticks to booze pledge
The picture may be mixed, and confused by differing strategies on alcohol, but overall the big four are keeping the lid on inflation, says Ronan Hegarty
Can the Sam’s Club man put Asda’s food back on course?
Well versed in Walmart’s EDLP mantra, will Asda’s new CMO, Charles Redfield, be able to address Asda’s issues with food quality, asks Ronan Hegarty
Code ‘being used to squeeze suppliers’
The big supermarket chains are using the new code of practice to bully suppliers, a leading industry advisor has claimed.The Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP) was a "snare and a delusion", David Sables, CEO of management...
ASA chief exec Guy Parker in the hot seat
Advertising Standards Authority chief executive Guy Parker prefers to keep investigations to a minimum but the proliferation of advertising on company websites is a concern, he tells Ronan Hegarty
Alcohol advertisers sticking to stricter set of rules, says ASA
Drinks firms have been given a resoundingly clean bill of health over their advertising this week.Almost all ads run by alcohol companies in the past 12 months were in accordance with advertising rules, according to the Advertising...
The Adjudicator
The ombudsman has a fearsome new name. But just how effective will it be at policing the industry and providing supplier anonymity, asks Ronan Hegarty
United may be divided as backers look for trade sale
The private equity owners of United Biscuits will struggle to find a trade bidder that can afford the £2bn asking price, believe experts and may have to break up the business to sell it.
Reprieve for FSA as Department of Health takes on nutrition brief
The Department of Health has confirmed it will take over the nutrition policy remit of the Food Standards Agency, with Defra handed responsibility for country of origin labelling.
Comment & Opinion
Editor's Comment: Lazy, ill-informed reports highlight flaws in the health debate
So the FSA is to be abolished, according to the Department of Health. Well, that's what the papers were saying on Monday morning.
Speculation rife over who would gain from FSA abolition reports
Conspiracy theories abounded this week over exactly who was behind the barrage of media coverage proclaiming the death of the Food Standards Agency.Newspaper headlines screamed on Monday that the FSA was to be abolished, with most...
New approach to public health hailed by industry
The food and drink industry has welcomed health secretary Andrew Lansley's vision for a new Public Health Service.
Retail Prices: What about EDLP? Asda ups number of promos by 17%
It has said it will be running fewer deals – but Asda has increased its number of promos by more than its rivals over the past month says Ronan Hegarty
Unit sales to be axed by mad new EU law
It tried to ban pounds and ounces. It introduced rules on bendy fruit and veg. Now, if controversial EU Food Labelling Regulations are approved, Europe will outlaw the sale of groceries using numbers the oldest, most basic measurement of all.
Waitrose snaps up Channel Island stores
Waitrose has pushed into the Channel Islands after purchasing five supermarkets from SandpiperCI.
Sainsbury's kicks off back to school campaign
Sainsbury's has unveiled its biggest ever back to school campaign.
Asda market share slumps as Sainsbury’s closes in
Asda’s market share has fallen to a 19-month low, the latest figures from Kantar Worldpanel show.
Euro MPs call a halt to traffic-light labels
MEPs this week dealt a fatal blow to the controversial traffic-light front-of-pack nutritional labelling scheme.
Waitrose’s Hodgson is lured to Morrisons job
The grocery merry-go-round was spinning faster than ever this week. Hot on the heels of Sir Terry Leahy announcing his retirement from Tesco, Morrisons announced it had poached Waitrose commercial director Richard Hodgson.At Waitrose,...
Tesco's Holmes quits a day after Leahy bows out
Tesco's commercial director for fresh foods Colin Holmes has become the first senior executive to quit the retailer in the wake of Sir Terry Leahy's decision to retire next March and the appointment of Philip Clarke as his successor.