Sainsbury's - Latest News and Analysis – Page 117

  • News

    Indies play the loyalty wild card


    Loyalty cards are working for the big boys such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s and The Co-op Group. But where independent stores are concerned, do the benefits of loyalty schemes justify the financial outlay? Peter Cripps reports

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    Samworth to supply puds to Sainsbury’s


    Samworth Brothers has won a multimillion-pound contract to supply Sainsbury's with chilled own-label desserts.The £5m contract marks the first time Samworth, which supplies own-label ready meals, sandwiches and desserts to the multiples,...

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    Innocent swoops upon Sainsbury’s Brightman


    Innocent has headhunted Philippa Brightman, special diets and health manager at Sainsbury's, to help steer the technical side of its fruit sourcing.The 27-year-old, who was instrumental in the February relaunch of Sainsbury's 100-strong...

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    Grocer 33: Service and display send Asda to top


    Asda, Sainsbury's and Waitrose all boasted full baskets this week, but excellent customer service, combined with eye-catching displays, put Asda in first place.


    Sainsbury’s revamps credit card to reward Nectar points hunters


    Sainsbury's is splitting its existing credit card offer, with two new cards connected to its Nectar loyalty scheme.

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    Sainsbury’s feeling the Inferno heat


    Inferno has won a national distribution deal with Sainsbury's for its Hot Tomato Ketchup and Devils Brown Sauce.Inferno founder Charles Roberts said the retailer was stocking the new sauces (rsp: £1.99) amid growing demand for the...

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    Granola on a roller


    Lucy O’Donnell’s Lovedean granola is leaving its elitist roots for the big time, with listings in Sainsbury’s and Tesco at a lower price. Anna-Marie Julyan reports

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    ‘Sainsbury’s expansion costs yet to deliver ROI’


    Store expansion has cost Sainsbury's more than it has gained in sales, a leading analyst claimed this week. Speaking as the retailer announced slowing like-for like-sales, Collins Stewart analyst Greg Lawless said Sainsbury's was...

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    Focus On Barbecue: Pimm’s goes national


    Now that Pimm's and Sainsbury's have settled their differences over the retailer's alleged copycat drink Pitchers, peace can return to the patios of Britain this barbecue season. Sort of.

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    Sainsbury’s takes peas 100% British


    Sainsbury's is converting its own-label frozen pea supply to 100% British from the end of next month.The supermarket, which was already 100% British on conventional peas, has now sourced an additional 350 tonnes of organic peas that were...

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    Sainsbury’s to keep heat on promotions


    Asda may have called heavy promotions "weapons of mass distraction" - vowing to shun them in favour of straightforward low prices - but Sainsbury's this week promised it was keeping its promotional foot on the floor.

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    Grocer 33: Sainsbury’s only retailer to fill basket


    There were no perfect reports from our mystery shoppers this week, but thanks to a full basket and all-round good customer service, Sainsbury's in Richmond was the top store this week.


    M&S brings forward bonuses to thwart tax hike


    Marks & Spencer is the latest company to bring forward the payment of bonuses to avoid the new 50% tax rate, following a similar move by Sainsbury’s.


    Sainsbury’s bonus shake-up to beat tax shift


    Sainsbury’s is bringing forward bonus payments to more than a thousand of its highest earners in a bid to avoid paying the new top rate of tax.

  • News

    The improved Jugit arrives at Sainsbury’s


    Dairy Crest has rolled out its redeveloped Jugit milk jug concept alongside Sainsbury's extension of the milk bags system.The new jugs have a spout that is easier to remove and clean, as well as a removable handle for people with minimal...

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    Retailers outline plans to employ more under-25s


    Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's have announced new recruitment and training programmes to help reduce the UK's one million under-25s who are unemployed.Tesco would double the number of apprentices this year, opening schemes to 2,000 new and...


    Tesco hands clothing role to ex-Sainsbury’s man Jones


    Tesco has appointed former Sainsbury’s non-food chief Richard Jones as the new boss of its clothing business.

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    Quality Test: Parma ham, premium, own-label


    As a major fan of Parma ham and its Spanish and Portuguese equivalents, this taste test was a pleasure. All the retailers' offers were pretty good but Sainsbury's was a clear winner.

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    The Human Angle: Helen Webb


    Sainsbury's is an exceptionally welcoming place to join and we pride ourselves on making people feel part of the team.

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    Graham’s launches 1% fat organic milk


    Graham’s The Family Dairy has developed the UK’s first 1% fat organic milk.

    The new milk will go into 380 Sainsbury’s stores nationwide next week, in two-pint and four-pint formats (rsp: 90p and £1.85).

    The Scottish dairy…