Sainsbury's - Latest News and Analysis – Page 152

  • News

    The label updates itself


    Sainsbury is poised to give a wider roll-out to an on-pack freshness indicator in its fresh produce fixture.The RipeSense label responds to changes in the aroma given off by fruit as it ripens and changes colour.The technology was given a...

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    Sites quick to click


    Major retailers were quick to remove Sudan 1 products from online shopping baskets.By last Monday Asda, Waitrose and Sainsbury had notices up on their consumer web sites offering more information on the crisis and affected items and by Tuesday...

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    Beef prices will rise, but it will be slow going


    The price of beef since Christmas is unsustainable in the long term, Richard Cracknell, managing director of ABP, warned livestock producers at a meeting of the ABP-Sainsbury’s Partnership Group at Oswestry.“I would love to see the 250p/kg dw...

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    Dungannon claws back JS business


    Dungannon Meats Group has won £25m of business through new contracts, sweetening the pill of the loss of its UK fresh beef contract with Sainsbury last October.The multiple has granted Dungannon an extra £17m of lamb business, a further...

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    Online grocery retailers quick to remove Sudan 1 foods


    Of the leading retailers, Asda and Sainsbury were quick to remove Sudan 1 contaminated lines from the lists of products they were offering online, while Waitrose also had a notice which offered information on the crisis on its online...

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    Sainsbury charity halves its stake in chain


    The Sainsbury family’s main charity, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, sold 45m shares, or a 2.6% stake, in the Sainsbury supermarket chain yesterday raising further speculation that the family may be prepared to sell to a potential...

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    Redundancies ‘less than feared’ says Dungannon Meats


    Dungannon Meats Group has announced 60 job losses following Sainsbury’s decision last October to move to a single supplier for beef products, but it said new contracts won has minimised the scale of redundancies.Dungannon has won over £25m...

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    Vox Shop


    >>Be good to yourself range tops £180m…budgens sees a bright future for its Healthy Selection rangeSenior brand manager, BE GOOD TO YOURSELF, SainsburyThere is a growing demand for products that are both convenient and...

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    New Sainsbury fascia branding for eight Bells C-stores


    Eight sites in the Bells Stores convenience chain acquired by Sainsbury have been re-branded with new fascias.The stores have all been renamed Sainsbury’s at Bells Stores. The latest to be transformed, in Middlesbrough, was completed last week....

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    The high plains drifter


    Sainsbury is trying it, but a large financial bonus may well not motivate senior staff. They are more likely to be galvanised by continuing professional development says Christine HayhurstSainsbury has just outlined a new management...

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    JS cuts Farm Fed out of UK


    Northern Ireland poultry meat processor Farm Fed Chickens is set to make scores of redundancies at its Coleraine factory after Sainsbury cut back its fresh chicken contract with the company.The retailer will still source whole chickens and...

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    Freefrom lines recall


    In an embarrassing move for Sainsbury, the retailer has recalled six products from its Freefrom range. They are labelled free from wheat and gluten but have been found to contain traces of gluten.A spokeswoman for Sainsbury said that very low...

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    Sainsbury denies web site vulnerable to fraud


    Sainsbury has dismissed suggestions that its shopping web site is “so easy” to break into that someone with “an interest in crosswords and wordgames” can crack open accounts.Fears about the retailer’s Sainsbury’s to You online delivery service...

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    Multiples ‘rip up’ the code


    Multiple retailers have been accused of “ripping up” the supermarkets code of practice – just days before regulators report on whether it has been a success.Among a host of new tough tactics uncovered this week by The Grocer, Sainsbury has...

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    The pressure mounts


    Relationships are in the spotlight again, as Julian Hunt reportsOur story on page four of this week’s issue about Sainsbury’s controversial efforts to extend its payments terms has, once again, thrown the thorny issues surrounding...

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    Sainsbury plays hardball


    Sainsbury has provoked a storm of controversy over its dealings with suppliers by trying to force them to wait longer to be paid.The move comes just weeks after the supermarket chain made non-negotiable demands for lower invoice prices. ...

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    Supplier Spotlight


    Some might question the wisdom of putting all your eggs, or tomatoes, in a basket marked Sainsbury, but that is what one fresh produce company has done – and it is convinced it is the right way forward.Fresh Link’s sole client is Sainsbury...

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    Cheers! The party’s over


    Tough trading at Christmas has failed to dim hopes for the coming year. John Wood reportsCompetition between the major supermarkets was especially intense this Christmas with even giants such as Sainsbury and Morrisons reporting...

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    Sainsbury sees fuel-driven sales growth


    Sainsbury has announced a sales growth of 6.1% for its third quarter, strongly driven by petrol sales.Sales growth for the 12 weeks to January 1 totalled 2.7% if petrol was excluded, and on a like-for-like basis sales were up by 2.4% but...

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    JS streamlines potato supply


    Sainsbury’s drive to streamline its supply base is continuing apace, with potato supplier MBM, a subsidiary of Premier Foods, the latest to find itself surplus to requirements.Ditching the Cambridgeshire-based company means the multiple now has...