Sainsbury is hoping to inject some passion into its advertising after signing up celebrity chef and Essex geezer Jamie Oliver as the new frontman for its marketing activity. Marketing director Sara Weller said: "All the new work is still focused around our Making Life Taste Better proposition ­ but obviously the execution of the campaign is quite different." She said the current campaign did not reflect Sainsbury's passion for quality food, and added: "What the new campaign will bring ­ and the current one cannot give ­ is much more warmth and accessibility for people." Weller said the first tv ad, which airs on June 25, would "show Jamie doing what he does best ­ cooking for mates after a night in the pub". She admitted there was some resonance between the new ad and Sainsbury's most famous campaign ­ featuring celebrities cooking dishes. Weller insisted the arrival of Oliver on a two year contract ­ that involved tricky negotiations to ensure his role at the Beeb was not "compromised" ­ did not spell the end for Delia Smith. "She is a consultant on the magazine and continues to be very important to us in that role. "She's pretty positive about Jamie ­ and hopefully he will get into the magazine at some point too." {{NEWS }}