Ed Bedington
A major new look for fresh produce has been launched by Sainsbury this week.
The First for Fresh project has involved a major overhaul of fresh produce as well as up to 500 new lines across all fresh food.
Finn Cottle, general manager of the project, said: "It's about re-emphasising our excellence in fresh food to the consumer.
"When customers first come in they will see abundant displays merchandised with a lot of flair, using colours and varieties to best effect."
Cottle said the chain would use blocks of colours and emphasise summer seasonality, focusing on English strawberries, Jersey Royals and melons to start with. "We're also going back to a black and white image in the fresh produce area using blackboard-type signage to give it a traditional greengrocer feel. That will give us the opportunity to focus on seasonal best."
Staff have also been given extensive training through a series of roadshows, Cottle added. "It was a significant training programme, and using this knowledge staff will be able to interact with and inspire customers."
She said a number of suppliers had been involved in the training which had dealt with a range of things, from product recognition to handling.
More than 500 new lines include strawberries packaged with yogurt, mini-veg kebabs, summer cream, and up to 50 new meat fish and poultry barbecue products.
A large number of innovative new ready meals will also be on shelf. The changes will be advertised in stores and Cottle said there were also plans to advertise the move nationally.