Sainsbury’s is backing the Woodland Trust’s Jubilee Woods project, which is aiming to plant six million native British trees to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

The retailer is the lead corporate sponsor for the project, which kicked off on Friday when The Queen planted trees at a new 20-acre Jubilee Wood on her Sandringham estate.

Sainsbury’s is to support the project by extending the number of products it sells that donate money to the Woodland Trust. It already gives a donation to the Woodland Trust for its Woodland eggs, chickens and turkeys, but plans to extend this to cereals and “everyday household items”.

It will also encourage schools to plant trees as part of its Active Kids scheme, and give customers the opportunity to make a pledge in store to plant a tree.

“We’ve already helped plant over 825,000 trees since 2004 thanks to donations from sales of our Woodland eggs and chicken, and this project will see even more donations from products, support through our stores and the Active Kids scheme,” said CEO Justin King.

“We’ve got ambitious plans to plant two million trees by 2015, as set out in our 20 by 20 Sustainability Plan, so this project is integral to this commitment, our wider values and we’re proud to provide support.”