Another independently owned salmon farm in Shetland has lost the fight against low prices in the aquaculture industry. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ receivers have been appointed to wind up Hoove Salmon.
Shetland’s independent farmed salmon industry has been going through contraction since supply side prices fell below a minimum break-even point last year. More than 10 hatcheries and processors have gone out of business since 2003.
Sea Products of Scotland MD Willie Liston, who made an urgent call last year for prices to improve, said that prices had increased significantly. Salmon prices stood at £2.40/kg ex-Glasgow prior to distribution last week, the best farmers had seen for at least three years.
Receivers Bruce Cartwright and Laurie Manson have said they intend to keep growing around 500,000 salmon and 50,000 cod on the Hoove Salmon site. The company and its MD, Angus Grains, were major players in SSG Seafoods, which collapsed at the end of 2003.
