New packaging for its 330ml four bottle cluster pack has been introduced for Oranjeboom. The Dutch lager is sold in the UK through FD Brands which reported increased listing and 300% sales growth on last year. South London brewer Young's has mixed beer with wine imagery in a move into premium packaged lager. It has created Grand Cru, a 5% abv cold filtered Continental style product targeted at 18 to 34-year-olds. The initial launch will be in Young's pubs in the south-east. Macallan Distillers is introducing a 30-year-old malt to its range. This will retail at £199 and will initially be available in duty free. Bacardi-Martini is relaunching its Bacardi and Cola premix in a 275ml bottle, which replaces the 250ml can. The product has been reformulated and maintains the £1.49 price of the can. Support for Tennent's lager this winter will be centred on a House Party theme. This includes merchandising, a limited edition pack design, 48-sheet posters throughout Scotland, and TV advertising. A 10-pack stubby format is being introduced. A successful TV ad campaign for Budweiser in the US is being introduced to UK this week. Three ads featuring the Budweiser frogs will be running on ITV, Channels 4 and 5 and Sky for four weeks. Scottish Courage's winning winter warmer The Newcastle Star was unveiled this week and goes on sale in Tesco at the end of the month. This was the prize in the multiple's winter beer challenge, which the brewer won for the second year. It beat 50 other beers to take the prize. {{DRINKS }}