Nimble, the 'slimming bread' that flew like a bird in the sky in the 1970s, has come back down to earth with an overhaul that repositions it as a product for a healthy lifestyle.

Owner RHM has revamped the brand, made famous by its associations with slim young models in hot air balloons, for the 21st century, with new recipes including more fibre, packaging improvements and larger slices.

The company has invested £1m in the overhaul, which includes extensive TV ads scheduled to start in September and press advertising, which breaks this month.

In its heyday, the brand was synonymous with dieting at only 35 calories a slice, but consumers have shunned it in recent years because its light texture and bland taste was regarded as not filling or natural.

The new version, which is rolling out now, still claims to be low in calories, with only 50 and 0.1g of fat per slice, but now promises to be more like 'real' bread in size and texture. Instead of simply targeting women who are watching their weight, its range is broader - now aimed at people who are following a healthier lifestyle.

The original duo - white and wholemeal - is joined by a malted wholegrain line, which includes malted wheat-flaked and bran, while the whole range gets updated see-through packaging carrying a wheatsheaf motif, which aims to highlight the natural healthiness of the bread.

Claire Low, brand manager, said the new version of Nimble was more nutritious and offered greater choice. "Today, it's not only those who are watching their weight who are choosing healthier options, but consumers in general."

Bread sales suffered from interest in the Atkins Diet, but have rallied, with increasing interest in the higher fibre, better-for-you sector.
