InBev is promising to inject a "more overt corporate social responsibility element" into Stella Artois following a shock delisting from the Young's pub chain this week.

Sponsorship of the Artois Tennis Championship and the Pass on Something Good ad campaign will continue this year with a new CSR slant "designed to show we can Pass on Something Good in other ways", said Bruce. There would be "significant announcements" this year.

The brewer will also add a new beer to the line-up this year as it builds on the success of the La Famille Artois range. The new beer would be a premium offer to complement its current range. "Product innovation is a key driver of the Artois family concept because we are committed to expanding consumer choice," said Robert Bruce, head of external affairs, InBev UK.

The company accused Young's, which said the brand "wasn't premium enough", of trying to generate media coverage for itself "on the back of commercial negotiations that didn't go its way".

Millions of consumers and thousands of customers would disagree with Young's view," said Bruce. "Stella is still three times bigger than its nearest rival and has significantly more upmarket drinkers than any other brand."

He defended claims the brand had moved too far downmarket with deep-cut price promotions and its high abv, which gained it the nickname 'wifebeater'.

"As absurd as it sounds the nickname was born out of affection," said Bruce. "Lowering the abv is not an option: Stella Artois is a premium product renowned for its premium quality and that is why so many drinkers buy it.

"The product cannot and should not change; it's the minority of drinkers who abuse the brand who need to change."

La Famille Artois brands include Artois Bock, a 6.2% abv dark lager; the lighter-style 4% Peeterman Artois; and the 5.2% Stella Artois.