Bradnock is angry that despite the short, safe and traceable food chain of the UK industry, imports have grown from 7% to more than 20% in the past decade, of which an estimated 40% is chicken breast meat. "It's too easy for supermarkets to import from Brazil and Thailand, cream off the profit at the checkouts, while offering week-to-week contracts to UK processors, as they chase price," he says. "Sustainability is not the way they're going ­ there needs to be profit along the chain or the roots will wither." Chicken accounts for 40% of the UK's meat consumption ­ twice the volume of beef and 50% more than pork ­ with turkey at 9% and duck and geese accounting for less than 1%. With the poultry sector approaching saturation point, innovation has been key in tapping into consumers' hectic lifestyles and appetite for convenience. Bernard Matthews md David Joll says that as a branded and valued added supplier, its breaded, frozen and fresh ranges had maintained growth. The company is to ramp up its TV ad campaign next month in the north for its poultry-topped chilled pizzas, Golden Drummers and Golden Ham brands. In contrast, commodity poultry had seen sales drop and prices plummet leading to a surplus after recent food scares, says Joll. Research by the British Turkey Information Service shows that both Christmas and year-round sales of fresh turkey have risen 7% (w/e April 28 02, TNS Superpanel) and that sales of turkey pieces and steaks ­ with just under 30% of total sales ­ are on a par with whole bird purchases. Paul Sheppard, of the British Turkey Federation, says that last Christmas rolls and roasts took a 20% share of turkey sales and that the major retailers had "committed to sourcing the majority of their fresh and frozen turkey from the UK this Christmas". The BTF is also working with retailers on PoS initiatives to educate the consumer on the benefits of British turkey all year round. Branded duck and duckling supplier Cherry Valley says it has invested £11m in its facilities at Caistor, Lincolnshire, to produce frozen, whole, portioned and value added products, with a cooked product facility. Rod Burrows, marketing manager, retail, says its own label frozen duck range for Sainsbury has sold well and he forecasts wider distribution by the end of the year. Gareth Jones of Longhouse consultancy saw a bright future for niche fresh poultry. "Range is important as is aligning sauces to particular cuts and other products in store to give the consumer the chance to experiment." Instore rotisseries would drive sales while helping to rid poultry of its perceived commodity status. {{FOCUS SPECIALS }}
