Asda Hellesdon, Norwich
1 This staff at this Asda Supercentre led by example, helping our shopper to locate items and gladly offering to check stocking information. The store provided a host of special offers – 11 from the list of 33 alone – that were all clearly signposted. Only the fish fingers were out of stock. The receipt, however, threw up a number of errors, overcharging our shopper for the quiche and Yorkshire puddings and charging 16p less than the marked price of the wine.
We visited on 18 July at 16.17pm. Our shop lasted two hours and seven minutes. Time spent at the checkout was 14 minutes.

Morrisons Crowborough, Kent
0 Our shopper found navigating the Crowborough branch of Morrisons’ expanding empire of southern stores very easy thanks to the clear signposting and logical layout. There were some stacking trolleys in evidence, but they did not cause undue disruption. Special offers were abundant, with three-for-two on Walkers Crisps and bogofs on Fox’s Glacier Mints, Five Alive and Powerade Orange. Staff were pleasant and eager to help.
We visited on 18 July at 14.45pm. Our shop lasted 55 minutes. Time spent at the checkout was 7 minutes.

Sainsbury’s Moortown, Leeds
0 Situated on the outskirts of Leeds, the store was well prepared for the Friday rush. As well as providing the week’s fourth full basket of goods, the store was extremely well merchandised and staff polite and efficient. The cashier, however, was distracted by a colleague on another till asking for assistance and failed to bill our shopper for both the mango and dried spaghetti. Out of 31 available checkouts, 30 were open in order to cope with the high volume of customers.
We visited on 18 July at 10.37pm. Our shop lasted one hour and 10 minutes. Time spent at the checkout was five minutes.

Tesco Falkirk
0 Another week, another full Tesco basket – and this time it was enough to secure the Top Store accolade. Our shopper was impressed by both the layout of the store and its helpful staff. Items were well-presented and easy to locate and employees, although busy, were happy to break from their tasks when asked for assistance. The checkout operator was chatty and pointed out that our shopper needed only to spend another £2 to receive a petrol voucher. 
We visited on 18 July at 12.00pm. Our shop lasted one hour and five minutes. Time spent at the checkout was five minutes.

Waitrose Marlow, Buckinghamshire
0 The lack of space at this Waitrose presented a number of problems, the most serious being a bottleneck of trolleys around the fresh produce section. Nevertheless, the store was well signposted and stock was logically grouped together. Fresh fruit was heavily promoted, with half-price offers on strawberries, raspberries and blueberries while at £1.16 a three-pack of peppers was reduced by 39p. Size was no barrier to the store providing a full shopping basket.
We visited on 18 July at 9.45am. Our shop lasted 33 minutes. Time spent at the checkout was six minutes.