A leading c-store retailer has slammed Nestlé over supply problems surrounding its new Milkybar Choo. Scottish group Morning, Noon & Night complains it is receiving a fraction of the cases requested. Its wholesaler Aberness Foods has 42 cases a week to supply 180 stores ­ which means the allocation for each of MN&N's 40 stores is less than one case a week. Marketing director Stephen Thompson said it was not good enough. "Nestle knew the rough quantities we wanted. "If they couldn't deliver we should have been informed or they should have delayed the launch ­ I would have respected them for that. "They are getting away with murder." Nestlé ­ which ran into similar problems with the launch of Kit Kat Chunky ­ admitted there had been production problems, But it said: "We have increased the quantities of product available from this week." {{NEWS }}
