All Sustainability and environment articles – Page 252

  • News

    P&G goes it alone with eco-labelling


    The Carbon Trust was dealt a blow this week when Procter & Gamble rejected its carbon footprint label as "too confusing for consumers" and launched its own eco-mark.The Carbon Trust's label, launched earlier this year, is being trialled...

  • News

    The reps send 'food miles' soaring


    It’s a common sight on roads up and down the country: Mondeo man on his way to visit food stores.

  • News

    What is the land for? The British famously love their garden


    But what about the rest of the population? What and whom is the land for? Houses? Food? Recreation? Wildlife? Carbon sinks (soaking up pollution from industrial living)? I was born in Lincoln on the edge of the fens, prime agricultural land, but...

  • News

    UK relaunch for Chambourcy


    French yogurt producer Carbon Blanc plans a major relaunch of the Chambourcy yogurt brand in the UK within the next six to 12 months, according to Rosemary Bruno, part of Carbon Blanc's international development team. Bruno said that since buying...

  • News

    Campaign calls for fruit for cooking' fixture


    Bramley apple growers want multiples to reposition their fruit in produce departments away from varieties such as Granny Smith

  • Organic vegetables

    Down your way


    The great British public is reacting against the uniformity of global supply and supporting hard pressed regional suppliers…