Meet the persil gel launch personnel...

Great sales come out in wash as idea gels

The team behind the launch of laundry product Persil Gel Tablets are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in.

The team of six at Unilever UK worked for more than a year on the company's biggest innovation since the launch of Persil Tablets in 1998 to make sure that all of its customers were behind the product.

"We are a lively, fun team and we all chip in to get things done," said brand executive Zoe Hayward. "Everyone was involved in all areas of the launch so it was a team effort."

Heading the team is Paula Costa (not pictured) who previously worked for Unilever in Brazil. Other members include senior brand manager Jo Henderson, brand managers Isla Robinson and Brett Stephenson and brand executive Joanna Grainger. Hayward said that the team had a varied background, working for fmcg companies and as part of Unilever's fast-track graduate training scheme Unilever Companies Management Development Scheme. "Our variety of backgrounds brings different experience to the table."

The team launched Persil Gel Tablets this year, backed by a £6.5m spend including TV and cinema ads, outdoor PR and sampling. "We have driven value back into the laundry category and customers are pleased with how unique it is," said Hayward.

But despite the anticipated success of the launch, the team is not resting on its laurels. Hayward explained that it had lots of plans for the year, with some big projects throughout the summer.