One Stop Delivery

Deliverect – whose software is used by restaurants globally to manage orders and deliveries – is expanding into the grocery and convenience sector, The Grocer can reveal.

Software-as-a-service offering Deliverect Retail – which is now available in the UK – enables grocers to receive and manage orders on a singular, central system, track sales and performance, and access data from multiple third-party delivery platforms.

The solution means grocers using aggregator apps such as Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Just Eat and Snappy Shopper do not have to use multiple devices to pick orders from each. They can also more easily “optimise the picking experience” with ‘Quest App’, which offers picker store route planning, barcode scanning, and one-tap amendment features to revise quantities or make substitutions to online orders.

“By helping pickers chart the most seamless course throughout the store and empowering staff to flag out-of-stock items instantly across all third-party delivery platforms,” said Joe Heather, Deliverect regional GM Northern Europe.

The “one central location” solution means retailers can also quickly pause items across the different aggregator apps as soon as they are out of stock and update inventory catalogues, prices and promotions across all channels in real time.

Deliverect said early adopters of the new solution had experienced a doubling in weekly sales and had cut the time to pick and pack orders in half.

Among those early users are Spar, EG Group, and One Stop – the latter having rolled out Deliverect Retail to manage its on-demand delivery operations at more than 800 stores.

“We’ve seen outstanding results. We’ve doubled our sales, by being able to increase our product range from 500 to over 3,000 SKUs, which has driven significant sales growth and conversion,” said Tim Josephs, head of online for One Stop. “Additionally, our pick accuracy has improved by over 30%, and we expect that to continue improving.”

The Tesco subsidiary had also faced an inconsistent customer experience with different menus and offers available on each delivery platform and complexity in financial reporting, with data having to be collated manually from multiple sources.

“The features and benefits it has brought to our online business have been significant, and it’s really moved us forward in the market,” added Josephs.

Furthermore, One Stop has increased its on demand customer retention rate by 57%.

Heather added: “The pandemic accelerated the shift to online grocery shopping with on-demand delivery gaining popularity. Now, grocery and convenience stores have a captive online shopping audience, but the overall digital shopping experience must be enhanced in order to increase sales.

“Online grocery sales should be a tremendous revenue opportunity, not a headache. Deliverect Retail is providing a single source of truth so that retailers can report the most accurate inventory data, capture relevant sales opportunities, and create exceptional customer experiences.”