Space age NASA technology is being trialled that can keep food in transit refrigerated for nine hours - without using any electricity.

The inventors of Chill Pod claim transport companies that use the “unique” eco-friendly internal roll cage linings can save money on fuel, increase delivery capacity and reduce their carbon footprint.

“Transportation costs are spiralling while legislation on corporate carbon reduction is tightening,” said Chill Pod director Valerie Bullard. “We need innovative solutions and the flexibility and performance of our material means we provide the solution the logistics industry has been waiting for.”

Chill Pods use NASA’s ‘Flectalon’ technology to create a flat polymer sheet, which is coated with a fine layer of aluminium. The jacket then combines conventional trapped air thermal insulation with multiple mirror finish surfaces, which its inventors claim keep everything cool.

Bullard said tests revealed an increase of just 3.4 degrees over 12 hours. The jackets were already being used in Spain to transport chilled goods across the country for a “major European multiple”, she added.