Tesco - Latest News and Analysis – Page 266

  • News

    Gildersleeve departs from Tesco


    Tesco’s commercial and trading director John Gildersleeve has now retired from the board.He has been replaced by Richard Brasher, who was head of non-food commercial activities (The Grocer, September 13, pp4, 22). Brasher’s former...

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    Tesco ready to enter the Chinese market


    Tesco is in talks to enter the Chinese market with a possible 50% stake in the 25-strong Hymall chain from holding group Ting Hsin International.And a Citigroup Smith Barney report into grocery retailing in the Far East, said it believed...

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    Tesco launches Fairtrade range


    Tesco will launch a new own label Fairtrade range this week to coincide with the start of Fairtrade Fortnight and the 10th anniversary of the Fairtrade Mark.Fairtrade Fortnight runs from March 1-14 and annual sales of Fairtrade goods have...

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    The silent problem


    A code is toothless if suppliers won’t speak out says Elaine WatsonTesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Safeway have all welcomed the review. They have said they will co-operate with the audits and they have stressed their commitment to building strong...

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    Tesco launches its own Fairtrade range


    Tesco will launch a new own label Fairtrade range next week to coincide with the start of Fairtrade Fortnight.The 15-product range, developed in conjunction with the Fairtrade Foundation, will include orange juice, cookies, coffee, tea,...

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    Larger Rippleglen beefs up senior staff with new roles


    Rippleglen has bolstered its senior staff following its purchase of the 121 store Supercigs and Supernews estate from Tesco last November.The acquisition has prompted the CTN chain, which trades as Arden News, to create two new posts. Bill...

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    Flippin’ good buys


    As Pancake Day draws closer, the promotional activity on those key staples of lemon juice and syrup continues to increase. Although there is activity for the day across retailers, it is Tesco that seems to be making the biggest effort so far...

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    Tesco under fire again


    Independent chain Proudfoot has made fresh allegations of predatory pricing by Tesco at its Withernsea store.Joint MD Ian Proudfoot first reported Tesco to the OFT after the Withernsea store offered £8 off £20 of shopping in a four-week...

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    Sainsbury’s gain is a high street loss


    While January is traditionally a quiet time of year, with trading patterns returning to normal, both Tesco and Asda are continuing to attract new shoppers according to ACNielsen’s Homescan Total Till information. Meanwhile, Sainsbury has seen a...

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    Irish chain mark-ups spark call for probe


    The three biggest Irish chains, Tesco, Dunnes and Superquinn, charge consumers up to three times what farmers are paid for some of their produce, according to a new survey. The study was carried out by the main opposition party Fine Gael, which...

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    Tesco baby & toddler club the largest


    from Sarah Baldock, manager, Tesco Baby & Toddler ClubSir; in your Focus on Infant Care (January 17, pp39-41), you made reference to a claim by Huggies to be the largest Mother & Baby club in the UK with 400,000 members.Tesco...

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    Label revamp plans revealed


    Sainsbury is upping the ante in its own label war with Tesco by revamping its premium Taste the Difference line, The Grocer has learned.It is understood the top-secret overhaul will centre on cleaning up the packaging and accelerating...

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    In the shadow of a giant


    The Grocer returns to Tesco in Hove to discover how the mega retailer is faring after its first five months of trading. Consumers have certainly put out the welcome mat, its super technology is proving popular, even with senior citizens, but...

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    Six of the best household goods buyers


    >>nominated this month: Tesco, somerfield, Morrisons, ASDA, sainsbury, makroMike ArnottSenior buying manager, household, tescoArnott joined Tesco in 1995 to work in product marketing for two years. He then moved into...

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    OFT attention drawn to tactics at Withernsea


    Tesco’s marketing tactics are being looked into by the Office of Fair Trading after independent supermarket chain Proudfoot lodged a complaint.The OFT said it was looking at the complaint under the Competition Act, but it could not be assumed...

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    Londis is worth far more than £40m


    from Shamus Lehal, Wootton PO Londis, Wootton, BedsSir; In light of the recent offer to buy out Adminstore by Tesco for a reported £53.7m for 45 or so mainly leasehold stores, I think £40m is far too light a price to be selling Londis...

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    Tesco takes London


    Adminstore delivers the capital to Tesco. Siân Harrington reportsTesco’s £53.7m acquisition of Adminstore barely affected its share of the convenience market but in terms of customer catchment it means inner London is now under...

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    Fingleton upbraided for ‘undermining’ the law


    The head of an Irish state agency has been accused of undermining the law by calling for the ban on below-cost selling to be abolished, following last week’s conviction of Tesco and Dunnes Stores for illegal discounting (The Grocer, Jan 24,...

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    Digital on the double


    Encouraged by the favourable results from its trial of promotions-based instore screen advertising, Spar plans to roll it out to more stores. Siân Harrington reportsAs Tesco approaches the first anniversary of its digital media...

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    Suppliers yet to be convinced by Tesco’s media channel


    Tesco is removing branded point-of-sale material at shelf as it seeks to position its stores as media vehicles. But convincing brand manufacturers to view it as a media channel is not easy. Philip Rooke, media director of Tesco.com, who is...