Tesco - Latest News and Analysis – Page 283

  • News

    How big a deal is the coupon printed at bottom of receipt


    Tesco has been doing Clubcard mailing for a while -­ posting targeted coupons to shoppers based on products bought/not bought, typical spend, parts of the store shopped, and response to previous offers - and it is now giving them even more rewards...

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    Tesco catches a chill abroad


    The frustration at Tesco head office must be palpable. Another six months double digit top bottom line growth, and the shares dive 11.5p. Meanwhile analysts are busy muttering about lacklustre trading in central Europe and ratings agency Fitch has...

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    Morrisons interim like-for-like sales ahead of Tesco


    Morrisons has said its first half like-for-like sales rose 6.3% and as its growth continues apace it has firm plans for expansion in hand.Interim pre-tax profit to August 11 increased 16.1% to £114.5m up from £98.6m last year boosted by...

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    Tesco to create thousands of jobs at home and abroad


    TescoÂ’s interim pre-tax profit has jumped 13.3% but said it was seeing a return to a more normal level of trading in the UK with like-for-like sales slowing to 3.9%.The retailer said pre-tax profit for the six months to August 24 rose to...

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    Tesco's Maltese question


    While taking a break in ex-pat magnet Malta, one of our eagle eyed reporters thought she'd stumbled on a scoop when her guidebook said that the local supermarket was run by Tesco. All thoughts of catacombs abandoned, she hot footed it to the...

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    ...as Tesco hails FGP as a success


    Tesco is handling 20 million cases a month through its factory gate initiative ­ just one year after it was launched, says group supply chain chain director David Wild. The major multiple started the project with its frozen goods suppliers and...

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    Battlelines for premium


    Elaine Watson A major battle is brewing between the multiples for supremacy in the premium own label market. Tesco is gearing up for a complete overhaul of its Finest range in October with a raft of new and reformulated products, and pack...

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    Tesco to double Scottish cheese levels


    Tesco is preparing to increase its Scottish cheese orders by more than double the existing level. The retailer said it would be taking nearly 8,000 tonnes a year from McLelland of Glasgow, which will push the supplier's share of Tesco's UK...

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    New quartet shakes up brands


    Morrisons has pulled further ahead of the other retailers in the chart this week and now stands six percentage points ahead of Tesco which has moved up to number two. Sainsbury has shown improvement, moving up from fifth place to number four...

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    ­And where the rest fell down


    Tesco Date of shopping trip: 20.09.02 Time taken in store: 55 minsWhaley Bridge Time of shopping trip: 08.58 Time taken at checkout: ...

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    Fury at Lotto's Tesco tie-up


    Lottery operator Camelot has upset independent retailers by linking up with Tesco to promote direct debit ticket subscriptions with loyalty points. Selected Tesco loyalty cardholders are being invited to play by subscription ­ by setting up...

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    It's enough to make Tesco's advertising icon Dotty choke on


    Everyone, it seems, from soft drinks manufacturers to brewers, are jumping on the sex bandwagon, smothering their brands with a large amount of sauce and even, on occasions, a pinch of sexual violence. So what's going on? Did Britain's...

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    Tesco looks to Irish petrol partnership


    Tesco Ireland is likely to set up a partnership with a specialist petrol operator for joint branded forecourts in the Republic, similar to Tesco's Esso tie-up in Britain. A spokesman said it was looking at ways to develop its share of the Irish...

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    Scottish fight heats up


    Anne Bruce The top three supermarket groups in Scotland have declared war for market share as Asda catches up with Safeway and Tesco widens its lead at number one. Asda became joint number two in Scotland last month according to Taylor...

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    Safeway and Sainsbury close in


    There are no changes in the retailer chart this week with Morrisons still at number one. The top three, Morrisons, Asda and Tesco, have, however, lost ground in the number of percentage points held with Safeway and Sainsbury both improving on...

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    Midlands NE NW SW SE SE Wales Scotl


    Morrisons Tesco Safeway Sainsbury Co-op Safeway Asda Somerfield Wheatcroft Extra Congleton Newton Abbot ...

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    Midlands NE NW SW SE SE Wales Scotl


    Morrisons Tesco Safeway Sainsbury Co-op Safeway Asda Somerfield Wheatcroft Extra Congleton Newton Abbot ...

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    Morrisons keeps up the pace


    Morrisons remains at the top of the retailer share chart for a fourth week running, with 35% share of promotional space, followed by Asda with 24% and Tesco with 16%. Safeway and Sainsbury follow, with Somerfield again finishing bottom of the...

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    JS set for premium wine war


    Sainsbury looks set to extend its own label war with rival Tescoto the wine fixture. The chain is considering plans to follow Tesco's lead and give its premium own label brand, Taste the Difference, a debut in wine. Director of wine Allan...

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    Tesco's interest in Turkey is surprising


    We all know Tesco has research teams out in Japan and China. We also know it's been sniffing around in the Baltic. But Turkey? When did that make the top of the shopping list? When Tesco revealed it was talking to regional Turkish chain Kipa...