A Tesco store in Cardiff has become embroiled in controversy after banning shoppers from wearing pyjamas to the store and insisting customers don footwear.

The store in the St Mellons area of the city took the unusual measure after spotting an increasing number of shoppers in varying states of undress.

A notice was put up stating: ‘To avoid causing offence or embarrassment to others we ask that our customers are appropriately dressed when visiting our store (footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted).’

“I just don’t understand it,” claimed one disgruntled customer prevented from entering the store yesterday. “I go into other shops in my pyjamas and they don’t say anything. You used to be allowed in Tesco, but not now. It’s ridiculous.”

Read more
Waitrose tops Which? poll for happy shoppers (28 January 2010)
Tesco red-faced in ‘ginger-bashing’ Christmas card row (15 December 2009)
