It’s all change in the fascia chart this week with Tesco coming out at the top of the chart, up two places from last week.

Tesco is particularly strong on price promotions on alcoholic drinks while in other categories buy one get one free and other multibuy offers are widely used.

Sainsbury and Asda both move up the chart to numbers two and four respectively, leaving Safeway, Morrisons and Somerfield which all move down this week.

Alcoholic drinks continues at the top of the category chart, increasing its lead to four percentage points. Price promotions dominate the category and there are a number of multibuy offers, most noticeably featuring lagers.

Frozen moves up one spot to lay claim to second place with multibuy promotions and buy one get one free offers clearly the preferred promotional mechanic.

Walkers remains at the top of the brand chart for the third week running, however Nestlé moves up the chart to reclaim second place and now stands less than one percentage point behind Walkers.

Nestlé secures its position in the chart with numerous promotions across different categories including confectionery, frozen and cereals.

There are just two further brands moving up the chart this week, Stella Artois and Cadbury, while the remainder of the chart is a mass of new entries, the highest of these is Heinz which comes in at number three.

In the own label category chart frozen remains at the top although its lead has been reduced from 24 to 13 percentage points with soft drinks strengthening its second place position.
