Peter Durose, director of produce, has left Tesco.

A spokeswoman for the retailer said that Durose, who had worked at Tesco for ten years, was leaving to set up his own business.

Durose was appointed category director for produce in March 2004, when he returned to the UK from secondment at Tesco's ­operations in Malaysia

"We would like to thank Peter for his contribution to Tesco both in the UK and abroad and wish him all the best for the future," the ­Tesco spokeswoman added.

Meanwhile, Tesco continues to firm up plans for its launch into the US with the appointment of Remco Waller as chief financial officer. He joins former Tesco marketing director Tim ­Mason who is heading up the venture and Tony Eggs, who has been transferred to the US as chief real estate officer (The Grocer, 1 July, p11).