Leading US soft drink brand Welch's is aiming to squeeze itself a share of the UK market with its first launches on this side of the Atlantic. The $650m grape juice brand, which dates back to 1869 in the States, is rolling its first products out to British retailers now and has already secured listings with Tesco and Sainsbury. It plans to extend that presence through a £5m marketing blitz from July which will include TV adverts, a PR campaign championing the health benefits of its products, and a tactical sampling programme that includes radio promotions. Distribution is being handled by Gerber Foods Soft Drinks and the first products to be launched under the range here include Purple Grape and White Grape & Pear (rsps: £1.19-£1.99, 1l). Gerber's marketing manager, Jo Wren, said: "The market for grape juice and grape juice drinks in the UK is estimated to be worth around £6.5m at retail and grape juice now represents the fifth largest variant sector in the juice market. "Having identified the opportunity for a truly innovative product, we're confident of the success of the range, particularly in view of Gerber's vast experience in the market." {{P&P }}