Out-of-town centres planned by Tesco in the Irish Republic could soon be affected by what opponents are hailing as “a landmark decision” by An Bord Pleanala, the Irish planning board.

The board has overturned county council approval for a shopping centre outside Donegal town, which was to include a 36,000 sq ft supermarket and retail warehouse. The development had been opposed by the independent grocers’ group, RGDATA, and by environmentalists.

In its decision, the board said the project would create traffic hazards on the N56 Donegal-Killybegs road and would threaten retail outlets in Donegal town centre.

The refusal may set a precedent for decisions pending for similar schemes at Tullamore, County Offaly, and at Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim. Both schemes involve Tesco and have been approved locally, but are being appealed by RGDATA.
