Tesco's new eastern buyer Sam Nundy will be leading the team at the supermarket's new east of England regional buying office when it opens in Peterborough next month.

He will be assisted by technical manager Kay Legge and marketing manager Elizabeth Jackson.

Tesco hopes the new office, which is the second of six planned across the country, will make it easier for small producers from the area to sell goods through Tesco stores.

"Our customers want to be able to buy more regional products," said Emily Shamma, head of local sourcing for Tesco.

"We also know that smaller suppliers have sometimes found it hard to approach the supermarkets. We want to make these issues a thing of the past.

"We are determined to achieve this and will be able to stock far more local lines for customers in this part of the country."

Tesco will stage a show-and-tell event for local producers later in the year.