Tesco is to jump on the success of Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme with the launch of a similar campaign, Tesco Sport for Schools and Clubs, next month.
The introduction of the sports equipment giveaway scheme coincides with the absence of Active Kids, which finished in July and will not restart again until next year.
A Sainsbury spokeswoman said it was “not surprised Tesco is copying our good idea as it has been a phenomenal score”.
Like Sainsbury’s version, a voucher will be given away with every £10 spent in-store. Vouchers are then to be passed on to a school or children’s sports club, which will redeem them for equipment or training sessions with professional coaches.
To kickstart Tesco Sport, being launched on September 12, it will give away one million vouchers, with 10,000 available to be won by 100 individual schools or clubs.
A TV ad campaign to support the scheme will break in autumn and will be fronted by Olympic runner Paula Radcliffe, England rugby player Jason Robinson and England midfielder Frank Lampard.