The Grocer News Team
Tesco emerged triumphant from The Grocer Gold Awards 2005 after scooping a hat-trick of prizes, including the two most coveted accolades.
Britain’s number one retailer was named Grocer of the Year and Britain’s Favourite Supermarket at Wednesday night’s awards dinner, held at the Dorchester Hotel in London.
The ceremony was attended by more than 400 of the food industry’s top movers and shakers.
Tesco was also awarded the gong for best consumer initiative for its work in bringing Glycaemic Index labelling to a mass market.
The Grocer 33 awards for service and availability went to Morrisons, while Asda picked up the award for price.
However, Tesco was the clear
winner overall. It was named Britain’s Favourite Supermarket after more than 10,000 consumer panel members surveyed by researcher ACNielsen decided it was best for price, range, quality, service and shelf stocks.
And a poll of leading City analysts, top business journalists, non-grocery retailers and major suppliers decided that Tesco, which in April became the first British retailer to smash through the £2bn annual profit mark, was second to none with regard to a number of criteria including quality of management, financial performance and customer focus as it was named the Grocer of the Year.
Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy said: “I am delighted that Tesco won three awards, most notably Britain’s Favourite Supermarket, which was voted for by shoppers. It’s a great honour for all our staff and recognition of the fantastic work they do.”
Other winners of Gold awards included Ocado, which was presented with a new award for best online retailer.
Upmarket frozen food retailer Cook was named independent retail chain of the year, while foodservice specialist Brakes scooped the first wholesaler of the year award.
Budgens and Newitts jointly won the award for best business initiative, while Landmark Cash and Carry won the prize for best own-label range development. Cadbury Snaps was named the year’s best innovation by a branded manufacturer.
Coca-Cola Enterprises was named branded supplier of the year and Arla Foods won own-label supplier of the year for the second year running.
Julian Hunt, editor of The Grocer, said: “To win one of our awards is a great achievement, as competition for them is fierce. Given that fact, all our winners know that they have demonstrated they are truly the best in the business.”
>>p46 The Grocer Gold Awards
