>>consumers and buyers give their views on the latest launches

From: RSG International

Ambari, a premium lager from Goa, is aimed at quenching curry fans’ thirst without leaving them feeling bloated. The 5% beer is less gassy than most Indian beer and as a result, has a shorter shelf life - six months compared with the usual year.

Price: 91p per 330ml bottle, £1.82 per 650ml bottle

Total score: 27/50
consumer’s verdict
Lars Lyngsaa, mechanical Engineer, 34, Exeter, Devon
My first thoughts on looking at Ambari premium lager were that the shape of the bottle gives a clear message that this is an authentic Indian product.
It has a pleasing label with an elegant picture and the gold finish gives it an upmarket appearance.
The taste is smooth but surprisingly flat for a lager and it reminds me more of a traditional ale.
Although I found the product quite palatable, it did not have much flavour.
Compared to other gassy lagers I think Ambari would be easier to drink with food, but I would not recommend drinking it on its own.
I would buy it again to drink with an Indian meal because I like the idea that it is authentic. However, given the choice, I would probably prefer a bottle of Kingfisher or Cobra.
Score: 17/25
buyer’s verdict
Bob Redmile, wine and spirits buyer, parfett’s cash and carry
Ambari is a new Indian lager produced and bottled in Goa. Ambari’s main competitors in the marketplace are probably Cobra and Kingfisher lagers, both of which are well-established in its target market of Indian restaurants and off licences.
Presentation wise, Ambari, especially the dumpy 330ml bottle is awful, the label is old fashioned and over fussy.The presentation would have looked a little better if a long-neck bottle had been used.
The product itself is less gassy than normal and as a result tastes bland and a little flat. It has an abv of 5%, so I would have expected the taste to have been better. I can not see Ambari gaining any sort of foothold in what is a very competitive and overcrowded market place.
Score: 10/25
n Product:
Walkers Oriental Crackers
n Launch date:
May 2003