All The Co-op articles – Page 98

  • News

    The Co-op divvies up some Alldays stores


    The Co-operative group has sold 75 Alldays stores to other retail co-ops as it looks to refit and rebrand the Alldays chain.Midlands Co-op and Oxford, Swindon & Gloucester have acquired 30 stores each, Colchester and Ipswich Co-ops seven...

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    In Profile: Q&A with Kieron Mayes, Format Director, Somerfield


    What is your career background? I worked for Asda for seven years in various operational roles, with responsibilities such as head office merchandising. After that I...

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    In Profile: Rachel Warren, Head of Retail Marketing for the Oxford, Swindon & Gloucester Co-Op


    What is your career background? I spent two years working on customer research for Somerfield. After that I moved to its marketing...

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    In Profile: Q&A with Jenny Clarke, category buyer, ice cream and frozen confectionery, The Co-operative Group


    How did you break into buying? I worked as an administrator in the department of Mike Goulthorp, who is now chief general...

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    Co-op wine sales soar by 18%


    Wine sales at the Co-operative Group are growing three times faster than the rest of the market, new independent figures reveal, boosting the retailer’s revenue by more than £20m in the last year. The society saw sales swell by 17.7% last...

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    Sainsbury withdraws Somerfield interest


    Sainsbury has announced that it will no longer be considering buying the 171 Somerfield stores from Springwater.This follows the Competition Commission’s examination into the supermarket’s proposed bid. Sainsbury’s chief executive,...

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    Keeping the dream rolling


    United Milk’s collapse is not writing on the wall for farmer co-ops says Vic RobertsonHe is not exactly saying “I told you so”, but in 2001 government farming advisor Sean Rickard of Cranfield University accurately predicted a rocky...

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    Co-op makes pledge on TV


    The Co-operative Group is supporting the launch of its “bread and milk promise” with a TV ad to be shown across selected regions.The promise is being rolled out to the society’s 1,200 stores and states that if the store runs out of specific...

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    Team talk: Heart of England Co-op


    >>GEORGE FLOWER, GENERAL MANAGER OF FOODSTORES, AND HIS AREA MANAGERSHeart of England Co-op prides itself on the support it gives the area managers of its food stores. George Flower, general manager of its food division, says: “At a...

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    United Milk heads into receivership


    Leading dairy farmer co-operative United Milk, based at Westbury, Wilts, has gone into receivership.The country's other major co-ops – First Milk, Milk Link and Dairy Farmers of Britain – confirmed they were in active discussions with the...

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    Somerfield gets funky for kids


    Somerfield has launched its Funky Food Factory children’s food brand following trials in pilot stores. Marketing brand controller Nicholas Hall said 20 products would be rolled out by Christmas and a further 40 next year. Somerfield...

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    New Tesco threatens a star Extra


    Tesco’s recent purchase of the Co-operative Group’s superstore in Uxbridge Road, Slough, is a surprise given its close proximity to Tesco’s existing Extra store in Brunel Way, just over half a mile to the west of the new site.The converted...

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    Kears takes franchise expertise to Somerfield


    Norman Kears, managing director of Budgens Franchise which trades under the Budgens Local fascia, has been recruited by Somerfield.Kears, 63, has left to take up a two-year contract with the multiple in Yorkshire.Budgens said this...

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    Co-op will now sue Regan


    The Co-operative Group is to proceed with suing Andrew Regan in a £10m damages claim following his acquittal this week on charges of paying £2m in bribes to secure a lucrative supply deal with the Co-op.After the verdict, Nick Eyre,...

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    Press round-up ... Regan acquittal


    Andrew Regan has been cleared of stealing £2.4m from Hobson, the food group where he was chief executive, to use the money to bribe two Co-op managers to extend a food supply agreement. The Serious Fraud Office alleged that the money stolen...

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    co-op’s irresistible


    n The Co-op is aiming to change consumers’ perceptions of its stores with a new ‘super premium’ own label range called Truly Irresistible. n Award-winning chef Paul Heathcote is helping...

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    Hard grind for buyers


    Overworked, stressed and burnt out at 35? As the multiples pile on the pressure, Elaine Watson talks to the people at the coal face.Over at Tesco and the Co-operative Group, buyers have in turn seen their in-trays expand as...

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    Double blow for JS


    Overtaken by Asda and with its Somerfield hopes dashed, what are the options now for Sainsbury? Elaine Watson reportsPlot the market share of Asda and Sainsbury on a graph since 1999 and it doesn’t take a genius to work out that their...

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    Halal meat strips launched by Aria


    Former farmer co-op Aria Foods is launching halal meat strips.The newcomer, rolling out this month, comes as Aria bids to develop its range following a management buyout in March.The National Halal Food Group will supply halal meat...

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    The calls for unity which have coloured the Co-op's vocabulary since Andrew Regan's aborted attempt to take over the CWS will ring out again this weekend. But before they are heard, the roof of the national concert hall in Cardiff will be raised by...