UNP Member Prices

Source: Co-op

The new member prices are rolling out from this week

Co-op has invested £6.4m to chop prices for members across 54 fruit & veg lines.

Rolling out from this week, the exclusive discounts for members are as much as 44% compared with the standard price, and an average of nearly 20%.

The lines include Little Gem Lettuce for 80p, saving members more than 33%, and Jersey Royal potatoes 750g for £1.60, equalling a 20% price cut for members.

Co-op’s long-standing ‘Fresh 3’ promotion offer, which discounts three selected fruit & veg lines on a six-week rotational basis, is also being moved to a members-only deal from 19 June. It marks part of its strategy to increase the number of members from five million to eight million by 2030.

“We know that quality, freshness and price are key when it comes to fruit & veg, and we are committed to creating ongoing and additional value for our member-owners,” said Co-op commercial buying manager Rosie Bramley.

“Our price investment is focused on great quality home-grown seasonal produce and further underpins Co-op’s commitment to backing British farmers and growers, while helping our members to make healthy choices, conveniently.”

The latest investment takes Co-op’s total amount spent on member pricing and lowering costs for all shoppers to more than £100m over the past 14 months. The retailer said it wanted to ensure prices were in line or cheaper than other national convenience stores.

Co-op now has 360 SKUs under member-only pricing, from everyday essentials such as milk, bread and eggs, to fresh fruit & veg. It has also lowered the retail price on more than 600 products for all shoppers.