Targeted promotions and leafleting campaigns as superstores feel the pinch Tactical marketing action launched for larger stores The Co-operative Group is taking urgent action to help its larger stores maintain market share in an increasingly difficult trading climate, said the society's retail controller Malcolm Hepworth. "Tactical marketing" has already commenced with targeted promotions and leafleting campaigns in areas feeling the pinch. "It's mainly the superstores that are feeling the climate, but also stores between 15-20,000 sq ft that are awaiting conversion to the market town format." Sales in the food retail division for the six months to June 30 were up a healthy 22.5% to £1.1bn, and profits ­ which have not been disclosed ­ are "good" said Hepworth. Like-for-like sales were up 5.4% in the c-stores. "We're pleased with the figures, but it's going to be a challenging second half and we're already seeing the traditional September skirmishes from the multiples in the run up to Christmas." The home delivery operation has now broken even in most areas of operation, said Hepworth, although he has "yet to be convinced it is the answer to trading problems in some areas". A modified version of the Dividend loyalty card offering cash back on branded as well as own label goods is also proving popular, especially in the convenience stores, he added. Over 50 stores are being converted to the Welcome or Market Town format each month. {{NEWS }}
