Why do you think your store won this week? Morrisons as a business has been very focused on introducing the HOT training initiative and our staff have worked incredibly hard and really engaged in the whole process. I can’t really stress enough how much it’s down to them.

Your store has just gone through a Store of the Future conversion. How’s that working out? It has been great. We started the conversion just after Christmas and this was the 10th week since we finished. We have included the entire fresh offer that Morrisons has been trialling at Kirkstall. Much of this is displayed on chilled beds to keep it fresh and maintain the quality and it has been so well received by our customers.

There have been lots of other changes in store recently. Can you tell us about some of them? We’ve had the M Kitchen and M Bistro range followed by M Savers. Shoppers really seemed to respond to it. For some shoppers, the old Value name sounded a bit derogatory but Savers is exactly what it says it is - a good quality range that allows them to save a few quid.

Your new healthy eating range NuMe also hit shelves this week. How is it going down with shoppers? We had some of the NuMe yoghurts and desserts in and they seemed pretty popular.It is all about providing something for all kinds of shopper, whether they are looking for something premium, a cheaper alternative or something they consider a bit more healthy.

There has clearly been a shi towards premium, but what about the many traditional Morrisons shoppers on a tight budget? We are still looking after those customers who are looking for the good deals and promotions, which is why we have the Great British Price Crunch. Morrisons is looking to become a fresh food retailer for everyone with good quality products and offering good value at the same time.