How is the store different from the one that was previously at the site? The old one was 22 years old, so it’s like comparing chalk and cheese. The old one had a deli but very small meat and fish counters. The footfall is totally different from the old store too, because the offer’s that much bigger. The mezzanine level has about 20,000 sq ft of general merchandise and clothing. People certainly come in for the clothing and are pleased that we’ve got the full GM offer. 

How did you achieve this week’s only full basket? On-shelf availability is key for the customer. We identify out-of-stocks and low levels of stock on a daily basis and follow up to make sure the product comes in. When stock comes in that is identified as running low, the back door identifies it and it goes straight into the store. If it’s in the building, it’s on the shelf.  Demographic data shows there is a high proportion of wealthy achievers in your store’s area.

How does that affect your ranging and sales? Although we sell a lot of Taste the Difference the key is that the store is kitted out to serve everyone. We’ve pretty much got the full range of food and sell all the clothes the company has. 

Have you introduced any new ranges recently? We have just brought in a 200ft ethnic range of Asian, Caribbean and Polish food. The decision was based on customer feedback and means we’re better able to service the mix of customers we’ve got. 

Why is Sainsbury’s a good company to work for? I’ve worked for Sainsbury’s for 35 years and think it’s a good company with good leadership. You get the training you need to do the job and Justin King (CEO) has done a fantastic job – it’s moving from strength to strength. 

How do you compete with your nearest rivals? There is a huge choice for customers and the service and availability we offer have, I think, made us first choice in High Wycombe. Having rivals so close keeps us on our toes, but I think they’re more concerned about us than we are about them. 

How do you work with the local community? We recently supported the district council by giving away free mince pies and drinks when the Christmas lights were turned on. We gave away 250 boxes in total. 

What makes good customer service? Treating the customer as you’d want to be treated. Observation, training and good colleague communication are key for delivering this.