Winner: Tesco, St Rollox Business Park, Glasgow

Store manager: Billy Gardiner

Opened: 2001

Size: 100,000 sq

Market share: 11.5%

Nearest rivals:

Morrisons 2 miles

Asda 3 miles

Store data source: Analysis by CACI.

Call the market planning group on 020 7602 6000 

This is not the first time one of your stores has won store of the week – how do you do it? No, it’s the third time. It’s not rocket science. It’s about getting back to basics and sorting out the cleanliness of the store, the availability of products and the quality of your service. This is a 100,000 sq beast of a store and you have to walk every aisle every day and ask basic questions about the way it is presented. If one thing isn’t right you need to fix it.

Why were you parachuted in? I was brought in six months ago to sort out some of the issues there had historically been with areas such as availability, cleanliness and service. I told the managers I wanted them coaching the younger staff. One of the things I’ve been stressing is that it’s OK to stop to talk to customers. Previously the staff had been focused on their job rst and the customer second.

How do you cater to such a diverse social demographic? This is the closest Extra to Glasgow city centre and has a high ethnic mix. We’ve made a real focus on providing a bigger range of world foods and there’s lots more we’re working on.

What difference has the Big Price Drop made? I think it’s made a massive difference and there’s more to come. Our instructions to the buyers are that they have to be at the very least competitive on price. We’ve become much more competitive with Asda on price and now it comes down to who has the best service.

What does the store do to help tackle problems in the area? We’re working with our local job centre to provide four-week trials to local unemployed people at the end of which there is a guarantee of a job.

There has been a lot of speculation about the future of hypermarkets. Are they dinosaurs? Extras still account for 40% of turnover for Tesco and it’s still a massive format. What you need to do is to make sure you have what it takes to become a destination store.