Tesco has had a busy week, even by its standards.

It begun by launching a return to double points on Clubcard, with the retailer obviously realising that you can have all the fancy targeted marketing you like, but ultimately its points that win prizes.

Today it launched a clever new online function, aimed at commuters stuck on trains going nowhere with leaves on the line.

And last, but not least, it revealed the much-anticipated new marketing campaign that will see if new ad agency Wieden & Kennedy can works its magic with its £110m advertising account.

This last move revealed not only a Lionel Richie soundtrack and a creative guaranteed to send sales of Furbies even further through the roof, but also that Tesco would not, as some had suggested, by ditching its Every Little helps strapline.

While for some the ad may be a bit of an anticlimax - it will not after all be some all-conquering new marketing message but a series of instalments aimed at “capturing moments that matter”, it does have some essential ingredients - a catchy tune, a likeable hero (the aforementioned Furby) and a strong appeal to the wallet (double points).

What is striking about all the developments is how closely they align to Philip Clarke’s masterplan to bring back good times for the retailer - using the power of Clubcard, leading in digital and revitalising marketing were three of the most important messages in his strategy and Tesco has sent out the message loud and clear to its rivals that it is going to throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at making it work.

There’s plenty more Christmas coverage (well, it is November now) in this weekend’s Grocer, which contains news of another seasonal ad campaign and a survey on shopper behaviour at this most magical time of year.