Honey can no longer be advertised to children. Cheese is a definite no-no for kids and as for cornflakes, beware, you young ones - eating them will make you fat. Apparently.

The Grocer launched its Weigh It Up! campaign in February, calling for the FSA to go back to the drawing board with its Nutrient Profiling Model and for a common sense nutritional approach to prevail.

It certainly wasn't prevailing in January when Ofcom announced its controversial ban on advertising 'junk food' to children.

The ban was based on the Food Standards Agency's flawed Nutrient Profiling Model, which measures fat, salt and sugar on a 100g portion basis, and which unfairly classified often nutritious foods, including raisins, Manuka honey, Greek yoghurt, breakfast cereals and cheese, as junk.

None of these can now be advertised to kids. However, microwave curries, chips, fizzy drinks and chicken nuggets were given the all-clear. The days of the Honey Monster looked numbered.

Given the absurd anomalies of the ban, it was no surprise that Weigh It Up! struck a chord not just with the food industry, but with food critics, health professionals, doctors and ­celebrity chefs.

Even the Conservative Party lent its support, announcing it would scrap the Nutrient Profiling Model if it came to power because of anomalies we had outlined.

The result? A clearly ruffled FSA hurriedly announced, within a month of the ban, a review of the NPM and has already put together a crack team of experts to ensure it gets done right this time around.

We await the results of the review with interest.