All articles by Titania Touché – Page 11
Comment & Opinion
Tales of Titania: Insects in the City
As National Insect Week comes to an end (we managed to get it on several digital radio stations), our latest recipe series is just hitting its stride.
Comment & Opinion
Tales of Titania: From Dolestretcher to Kandipants
You know how we PR girls work. Give us money, food, sex, shoes, and clothes (not necessarily in that order, apart from the money) and bingo: you get award-winning campaigns. Happy clients.
Comment & Opinion
Tales of Titania: Smallcox in Hoxton
OMG! Must Titania do everything? Juggling more accounts than Bernie Madoff is one thing, but being forced to dip my impossibly dainty toes into the slimy pond of advertising yuk!
Tales of Titania: Lembit, Stella and low-hanging fruit
Babe, it's been ghastly. That £6bn of cuts may sound like "low hanging fruit" if you're in marketing but we have already seen our £500k Farming is Fun! campaign axed, which is an absolute disaster.
Tales of Titania: Fruit and veg goes pear-shaped
Exciting times at Puff & Fluff. The world of fruit and veg has gone utterly pear-shaped.