imperial tobacco illicit campaign

Criminals are increasingly using car boot sales to peddle illegal tobacco according to Imperial Tobacco.

In the latest instalment of the Imperial Tobacco Suspect it? Report it! Initiative, the tobacco giant has published a poster depicting a ‘dodgy deal’ at a local car boot sale.

According to a poll by the Tobacco Manufacturers Association in 2014 one in three adult smokers purchased illegal tobacco from pubs, market stalls and car boot sales.

“Car boot sales are traditionally associated with gentle Sunday afternoons and grabbing a bargain,” said Imperial Tobacco Anti-Illicit trade manager Peter Nelson.

“Adult smokers who buy illegal tobacco from their local car boot sale may well think they’re getting a great deal. In fact, their tobacco blend could include dangerous ‘ingredients’ like asbestos and even rat droppings.”

Anyone with a suspicion should call 0800 59 5000 or contact local Trading Standards or police.
