Like many other CJ Lang employees David Good has clocked up more than a decade with the company after joining as a trainee with its Martex cash and carry business 11 years ago.

Rising through the ranks he became manager of one of the group’s smaller depots at Cupar before taking charge of Martex’s flagship depot in Dundee four years ago.

The depot has a sales floor of 36,000 sq ft with additional storage and a covered parking area that takes the overall space to 54,000 sq ft. It is the biggest and most profitable depot in Martex and has 26 full and part-time staff.

There are about 800 registered customers, and Good reckons he and his staff know all his regulars, who make up just under half that total.

Although price is often the most important driver for many cash and carry customers, Good believes the personal touch is appreciated and feels this differentiates his depot from those of competitors. “Often, visiting the cash and carry will be the only time during the day when retailers will be able to get away from their stores. They like to have a chat even if it’s just about football.”

Good also tries to fit in visits to customers in their stores, and says he gets out about once every two or three weeks. “It’s great visiting customers and they really seem to appreciate it,” he says. He would like to do more visits but adds: “There always seems to be work that needs to be done at the depot.

Good has the power to make deals with customers but he says he is constantly aware that he must balance the margin. He must also watch stock as each depot has a monthly target to meet, and will incur a charge if it goes above it.