Expert's verdict...18/25

?HobNobs has always been one of my favourite biscuits and, while this may seem like a natural extension to the range, it is clear that this cream version is targeting a rival product. The packaging is fussy and too busy for my liking. Also, in spite of the on-pack claims that these are a good source of fibre, they are also highly calorific with a high fat content. The filling has a nice creamy texture and a strong vanilla flavour. However, the biscuits were rather crumbly. Overall, I liked the product and would buy these for my own use.

Tina Hird, trading controller, Spar

Consumer's verdict...22/25

?These biscuits are delicious, very crisp and full of flavour. They are also very creamy, with a scrumptious vanilla flavour, and the oaty biscuits are lovely and crumbly. If I were the competition, I would be a tad worried, because I think this offering is superior. Apart from the loud packaging, my only other complaint is that I found it very hard to stop munching. On my next trip to the shops, I shall go searching for the chocolate-flavoured version!

Joanna Bowen, marketing executive, Dorking, Surrey

Overall verdict...40/50

J+ Company: Intercontinental Brands Launch Price: 79p per bottle Today's Price: 79p per bottle Acid test verdict: 36/50

In its first foray into soft drinks, Intercontinental Brands took the bull by its horns, when it decided to launch J+ as a direct competition to the well-established J20 range.

Available in five flavours, the high-juice drinks range hit shelves a year ago. So far, its major listings include Aldi and Bargain Booze. It has sold a total of 350,000 cases, which it is "over the moon about".

Intercontinental Brands is planning on "plugging away for more listings".