Independent retailer Roys of Wroxham's store in Bury St Edmunds moved nearer to closure this week as the town council approved plans to bulldoze it.

Officials have backed the move as part of a redevelopment scheme, in which a 60,000 sq ft ­supermarket will supplant the Roys outlet in Risbygate Street, which is in a leased site.

The fate of the 25-year-old 26,000 sq ft store, one of eight outlets operated by The Grocer Top 50 retailer, now lies in the hands of St Edmundsbury Borough Council.

As the local planning authority, it has the casting vote on the matter, although it has confirmed that it could be as late as November before it debates the issue.

Brian Godfrey, MD of Roys of Wroxham, was unavailable for comment as The Grocer went to press, so the retailer's plans are not yet known.

It could move to an alternative location in the town or it could pitch for the 60,000 sq ft plot.