Big Food Group has embarked on a new IT project to create a central depository for all customer data, prices, promotions and stock levels.

Unveiling a sharp rise in profit at BFG’s first half results, chief executive Bill Grimsey said the system would provide complete visibility across operations. “This will enable us to understand and analyse performance as well as facilitate other investments such as sales-based ordering, going into Booker at the moment.”

Iceland moved back into the black in the first half after restoring gross margins and stabilising sales across the bulk of its estate, added Grimsey.

Group pre-tax profit before exceptionals and goodwill amortisation went up from £6.6m to £15.9m in the 24 weeks to September 12.

Sales were up from £2.38bn to £2.39bn.

Group operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptionals jumped from £18.2m to £27.4m, boosted by a £3m profit from Iceland, which posted a £6.9m loss over the same period last year.