BBC Magazines will be working with Disney Publishing Worldwide on magazine projects that focus on the publication of Disney-branded titles for the pre-teen magazine market in the UK. BBC Magazines will assume the publication of Disney's Big Time ­ a monthly magazine that includes entertainment news, comic strips, puzzles and feature articles for seven to 11-year-olds ­ in January. BBC Magazines will also launch three other regular pre-teen magazines during 2002, along with a number of one-off titles, such as souvenir magazines linked to movie releases. Peter Phippen, managing director of BBC Magazines, commented: "We are thrilled about the prospect of working with Disney, and I am delighted that they have recognised the quality of our children's magazines and are as excited about working with us as we are about working with them." Deborah Dugan, executive vice president and managing director of Disney Publishing Worldwide, said: "We are very pleased to be teaming up with BBC Magazines, a leader in the pre-teen magazine market. "We are impressed with their ability to appeal to this audience through their commitment to innovation and their marketing savvy." {{CTN }}