Britvic has stolen a march on alcohol-producing rivals by signing up to a Christmas advertising deal with The Portman Group.

The soft drinks giant and the booze industry watchdog are joining forces to promote sensible drinking over the festive period as part of the latter’s ongoing ‘If you do do drink, don’t do drunk’ campaign.

The tie-up is likely to see Britvic-sponsored posters being put up in thousands of pubs and clubs nationwide in a bid to persuade drinkers to hang around but switch to the soft option instead of alcohol.

It is hoped the campaign could also boost retail sales of
its key adult-targeted brands, such as J2O and Britvic 55, as well as increasing sales in the on-trade.

There will also be an opportunity for retailers to get
involved if they wish to do so.

Posters carrying the Britvic logo feature word games to get the message of moderate drinking across.

The push follows on from this year’s advertising campaign for J2O, which highlighted how humiliating situations could be avoided by swapping alcohol for the soft drink.

In addition, Britvic’s Right Choice strategy aims to extend the range of occasions when soft drinks are purchased.

Britvic category director Andrew Marsden said: “We are pleased to back the valuable work of The Portman Group. Soft drinks have a significant role to play and are a vital component to the success of this initiative.”

Jean Coussins, chief executive of The Portman Group, said: “We are delighted to receive the support of Britvic and look forward to a long-term relationship with them.”
Simon Mowbray