First of all, the name is excellent. Wall's Balls' is catchy and fun. The packaging is also good ­ the product stands out and clearly displays Wall's branding.
The balls are also extremely easy to cook ­ 15 minutes in the oven and no need to turn over. Like sausages, they produce a lot of fat while cooking.
As for taste, the balls have a crispy coating, which children may find hard to bite through, so cutting them first is a good idea. There is a strong pork sausage taste and they combine well with the obligatory tomato sauce.
As they are aimed at kids, I used my nine-year-old son (a big chicken nugget fan) as tester. He insists they are on our next shopping list.
Wall's has a winner here. Kids love sausages and chicken nuggets, so combining the two will be a success. They would also make a great buffet snack for adults. Score: 22/25