Anne Bruce
BWG has been approached about its Saxtons and Daunts wholesale businesses after selling wholesaler T&A Symonds back to the Symonds family this week.
BWG chief executive Leo Crawford said the company was "very happy with the T&A Symonds arrangement" and preliminary talks were now under way with potential buyers of Saxtons and Daunts.
He said T&A Symonds' former owners Alan and Jeremy Symonds came to BWG to ask to buy back T&A Symonds following the buyout of BWG earlier this year. The family sold T&A Symonds to BWG in 1999.
Smile Newshops chief executive Jeremy Symonds said: "We are delighted about completing the purchase, which will involve little change in the day to day business. T&A Symonds already supplies our 79 stores."
Other parts of the BWG business were seeing a record year, said Crawford, with the focus now on expanding its symbol business after the management buyout of BWG funded by private equity group Electra Partners in July.
Crawford said the 350 store Bargain Booze portfolio and its 45 Throughgoods franchises were doing "phenomenally well".
He said: "Bargain Booze is powering ahead, it is a fantastic business model and we want to open 100 new stores next year, expanding out from Crewe to Wales and the north east."
BWG-owned Spar wholesaler Appleby Westward is also "a very fine business" and will add more than 10 new stores next year to the 325 it services in the West Country, said Crawford.
Also expanding rapidly are BWG's 180 store Mace business in Northern Ireland, and 120 Mace and 380 Spar businesses in the Republic of Ireland.
Crawford said: "This year has been a record for us in the Republic of Ireland, with 28 new Spar stores and 25 new Mace stores opened.
"The symbol market is extremely buoyant here, and our target is to open another 25 Spars and 15 Maces a year in the future." He added: "We have been focusing on the T&A Symonds sale, now it's back to the knitting for us. We are only months into a new ownership by Electra."

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