When satsumas are consumed

In the last year there were 350 million individual satsuma meal occasions

Adults aged 45-64 account for a third of all consumption

Males aged 25-34 and females aged 65+ are showing the best level of growth

Adult men aged 17-24 are responsible for an overall decline in consumption and adult women 25-34 are also cutting their consumption

The core occasion for consumption is the lunchbox (38%) and this has increased (7%) compared with last year.

Nearly four out of every 10 satsumas are consumed out of a lunchbox

Consumption has fallen 20% at teatime

The next most popular meal occasion for satsumas is in-home snacks where 22% are eaten. Only 6% are eaten at breakfast

The most popular days for eating satsumas are Monday to Wednesday, accounting for 51%

Consumption levels peak between 12-2pm which accounts for 27% of consumption at home

Produced for The Grocer by TNS. Family Food Panel winter/spring 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: APPLES