The Office of Fair Trading has produced a guide to 'Hot Shopping Tips' and will target shoppers in Derbyshire as part of a major consumer awareness campaign on shoppers’ rights.

Deputy director general of Fair Trading, Penny Boys, said: “'We want Derbyshire shoppers to be in a better position to get what they want.

“If you know your shopping rights and shop around, you are more likely to get the best deal and get any problems dealt with effectively.”

The OFT will be at the Eagle Market in Derby on Thursday March 20 to distribute its new pocket guide. Trading standards officers will be on hand to give help and advice to shoppers on anything from rogue traders to internet shopping.

On the same morning, the OFT will hold a seminar for small and medium sized businesses to explain its role and listen to views of how markets are working and to help with the understanding of competition and consumer protection laws.